2024D2D Presents
2024 Fundraising at the Richmond Night Market
From between June 28th to July 1st, D2D and YAP members spent four nights fundraising at the extraordinary Richmond Night Market. We had an amazing time of experience and want to thank our wonderful sponsors, BCCHF and MAHA YOGI for making this possible.
2024 Race for Kids
On June 9th, YAP and D2D volunteers brought friends and family to the RBC RACE for Kids to fundraise for BC Children's hospital. Here are a couple photos (and a video) of our amazing team!
2024 For Children We Care Gala
In one Friday night, on May 10, 2024, the BC Children's Hospital "For Children We Care Gala" fundraised $2,000,000 at Fairmont Hotel, Vancouver.
2023D2D Presents
2023 Toy Drive
D2D Destiny Foundation is proud to be the sponsor alongside DXG Car Group during this Christmas event. On December 16, together with YAP members, we have collected,and donated an overwhelming number of over 200 toys to BC Children's Hospital Foundation.
2023 Shine Mother's Day Tea
D2D is proud to be the Presenting Sponsor of the 2023 Shine Mother's Day Tea which raised a record breaking $520,000! We welcomed over 300 guests in celebration of Mother's Day! Thank you to all our sponsors and donors!
2022D2D Presents
Heal the World Cover
In celebration of World Music Day- Ala Tracz, Annie Jones, Bente Van Der Steeg, Efi Gjika, Enzo Hilaire, Gail Sophicha, Isabelle Tang, Janaki Easwar, Justine Afante, Karina Ignatyan, Kelvin Dukes, Kenadi Dodds, Linh Dan Vu, Maria Ermakova, Naomi Aye, Shea Liu, Sofia Feskova, Tanya Mezhentseva and Valentina come together for a special cover of Michael Jackson’s Heal the World. This talented group of global singers use their musical talents to bring our community closer.
Firework x Glorious Cover
In celebration of Earth Day- Maria Ermakova, Sofia Feskova, Enzo Hilaire, Ashley Marina, and Tanya Mezhentseva come together for a special cover of Firework x Glorious. The world needs more love, together through music we hope to bring positivity and happiness to our community.
2021D2D Presents
Better Place x Symphony Cover
In celebration of World Kindness Day- Daneliya Tuleshova, Darina Krasnovetska, Kenadi Dodds and Jadyn Rylee come together for a special cover of Better Place x Symphony. The world needs more love, together through music we hope to bring positivity and happiness to our community.
Brave x Here Comes the Sun Cover
In celebration of World Humanitarian Day- Lilia Bouwman, Gail Sophicha, Ala Tracz, Bente Van Der Steeg and Linh Dan Vu come together for a special cover of Brave x Here Comes the Sun. The world needs more love, together through music we hope to bring positivity and happiness to our community.
2021 Youth in Motion Virtual Concert
In celebration of International Youth Day, D2D Presents the 2nd Youth in Motion Virtual Concert! In collaboration with 7 global youth artists, the virtual concert used music as a channel to instill hope and positivity. Funds raised through the concert supported BC Children's Hospital & UBC's Blue & Gold Campaign.
Fight Song x Rise Up Cover
In celebration of World Music Day- Maria Ermakova, Sofia Feskova, Karina Ignatyan, and Darina Krasnovetska come together for a special cover of Fight Song x Rise Up. The world needs more love, together through music we hope to bring positivity and happiness to our community.
Imagine x Where is The Love Cover
In celebration of International Day of Happiness- Charlotte Summers, Daneliya Tuleshova, Justine Afante, Kelvin Dukes, and Linh Dan Vu come together for a special cover of Imagine x Where is The Love. The world needs more love, together through music we hope to bring positivity and happiness to our community.
2020D2D Presents
We Are the World Medley
Truly a global initiative, D2D collaborated with 9 global youth artists and 4 global musicians from our We Are the World Mini Concert, D2D created a special cover and rendition of Michael Jackson's hit song We Are the World.
We Are the World Mini Concert
It is with this sense of hope that we continue to push forward, and as we celebrate the upcoming Christmas season, the “We Are the World” Charity Concert, welcomed 9 musical performers who were past participants of America's Got Talent or The Voice. Using their musical talents, these amazing artists brought hope, courage and positive energy to make our community better while supporting kids at BC Children’s Hospital Foundation and Make-A-Wish Foundation.
Youth in Motion Online Charity Concert
2020 was a trying year and it gave our team an opportunity to come up with more creative ways to fundraise. In celebration of International Youth Day and the 10th Anniversary of the Young Ambassador Program, we welcomed nine musical performances with past participants of America's Got Talent and The Voice.
2019D2D Presents
2019 Sing Tao Outstanding Young Ambassador Award Ceremony
In partnership with Sing Tao Daily, D2D Destiny Foundation welcomed over 200 guests to the Convention Center. The 2019 Outstanding Younf Ambassador Award Ceremony recognized outstanding youth in the community in 5 different categories: Arts and Performance, Leadership, Community Service, Academics, and Sportsmanship.
2019 Shine Mother's Day Tea
In partnership with the Young Ambassador Program and D2D Destiny Foundation, BC Children’s Hospital Foundation celebrated the inaugural Shine Mother’s Day Tea which proudly raised over $400,000 in support of the Sunny Hill Enhancement Initiative.
Our Visit to Sheway: D2D Passenger Van
It's been 2 years since our D2D team visited Sheway! Our 2017 One Country One Film helped Sheway purchase a new passenger van and it is the impact that drives our team to continue our philanthropic journey.
D2D President, Arthur Chan: Senate of Canada Presentation
It was an absolute honor for our D2D Destiny Foundation to be recognized by the Senate of Canada. Congratulations to our President, Arthur Chan, who presented to the Senate of Canada Special Committee on the Charitable Sector. Arthur shared about our team’s journey and the growing importance of youth philanthropy.
D2D Advisory & Honorary Board at the 2019 For Children We Care Gala
The D2D Team is grateful for the unwavering support of both our Advisory and Honorary Board. Our board members has been huge mentors in every step of our journey.
Our Night at the 2019 For Children We Care Gala
It is always a pleasure for our team to be a part of such an inspiring event. Together with our sister program, the Young Ambassador Program, our team of 40 volunteers helped out at the Photobooth, Registration, Silent Auction and Greeters.
2018D2D Presents
Our Visit to Kiwassa Neighbourhood House & Gift Delivery
It was an exciting day; today our D2D team visited Kiwassa Neighbourhood House and delivered toys & stationary to the kids at their after school program. It was extremely heartwarming to see the smile on the kids faces. "
D2D: 2018 AFP Giving Heart Outstanding Youth Philanthropist Award Recipient
Co-nominated by VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation and BC Children's Hospital Foundation, the D2D Destiny Foundation has been awarded the 2018 Giving Heart Award for Outstanding Youth Philanthropist. This award truly belongs to our incredible team and it motivates us to work even harder in expanding our impact in the community. "
D2D Fairchild TV Interview
D2D President Arthur Chan and Co-Vice President Ella Sit on Fairchild TV Leisure Talk show. They talked about D2D's vision for the upcoming year and the excitement of being selected as the 2018 AFP Giving Heart "Outstanding Youth Philanthropist."
D2D Team Sing Tao Interview
Thank you Sing Tao Newspaper for interviewing our team. It is a pleasure to share our story and inspire more people in the community.
Featured on UBC Sauder School of Business Website & Social Media
Thank you to UBC Sauder School of Buisiness' Marketing & Communication team for writing an article about our philanthropic journey. It’s a huge honour for our team to be featured on Sauder’s website and social media channels.
D2D Youth Leaders: Top 15 in Sing Tao Outstanding Young Leaders Award
Congratulations to D2D Youth Leadership members: Cici, Crystal, Tiffany and Jason!! We're very proud of your individual achievements and happy that the 4 of you placed in the Top 15 for the 2018 Sing Tao Outstanding Young Leaders Award. We are so grateful to have such a wonderful team and all of you have become exceptional leaders in your own ways.
S.U.C.C.E.S.S Foundation: Gold Top Fundraising Award
The D2D Destiny Foundation is proud to receive the Gold Top Fundraising Award for the 2018 S.U.C.C.E.S.S Walk with the Dragon. The $10,000 raised will help support the Multicultural Early Childhood Development Program
2018 S.U.C.C.E.S.S Walk with The Dragon Press Conference
The D2D Destiny Foundation is excited to take part in the 2018 S.U.C.C.E.S.S Walk with the Dragon. Our team goal is to raise $10,000 in support of the Multicultural Early Childhood Development Program. Thank you S.U.C.C.E.S.S for inviting our team to the Press Conference and we look forward to a great event this Sunday.
D2D Presents: 2018 Helping Kids Shine Charity Concert
As an experienced pianist, D2D member Patrick wanted to use his musical talents to give back. The Helping Kids Shine Charity Concert successfully raised $30,800 in support of Sunny Hill Centre for Children.
D2D Board Meeting
A night full of great discussion & wonderful ideas. Last night the D2D Destiny Foundation held our first Board Meeting & presented our 3 Years Strategic Plan. Thank you to our Honorary & Advisory Board for always giving us great insight in growing our platform. With your unwavering support, the D2D team is confident that we can continue to improve, grow & make a greater impact.
Youth in Motion- Raise Me Up Campaign
Our “Raise Me Up” Campaign team strongly believes in the 4 F’s of Fundraising: Funds, Friends, Family and Fun. Led by Co-Chair's Jason Chen and Cici Guan and Co Vice-Chair's Julie Chen and Eddy Yu; the Raise Me Up Campaign successful raised $155,000 in support of the 2018 For Children We Care Gala.
D2D Advisory & Honorary Board at the 2018 For Children We Care Gala
The formation of the Honorary Board has brought a different dynamic to the D2D Destiny Foundation and will help our team expand into more ethnic communities. We are so honoured to have such great mentors that give us support and valuable advice.
D2D President & Vice President with Honorary Board & UBC Faculty
The D2D team is always thankful for the unwavering support of our Advisory and Honorary Board. Members of both of our Boards were in attendance at the 2018 For Children We Care Gala.
Our Night at the 2018 For Children We Care Gala
Kudos to our D2D team for raising $230,000 towards this gala. This was made possible with great teamwork, leadership from our Youth Team & support from our Advisory Board & Honorary Board.
Meeting UBC President Dr. Santa Ono
Today marks another chapter for our D2D Destiny Foundation; our VP & I had the opportunity to meet with UBC’s President & Vice-Chancellor, Professor Santa J. Ono. Thank you for the vote of confidence and we are delighted to have you on our Honorary Board. The D2D Destiny Foundation looks forward to a fruitful partnership with UBC & working together to help promising students get access to a life-changing education.
Meeting Senator Yonah Martin
What a great way to kick off 2018! Our D2D team had the honour of meeting Senator Yonah Martin today & chatted about philanthropy, grooming the next generation of leaders and what it means to make a difference in our community.
2017D2D Presents
2017 Chi Heng & Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant Online Auction Sponsor
Our foundation is always open to new and unique methods of fundraising and for the first time we introduced online auctioning on our site this year. It was an honour for the D2D Destiny Foundation to be the Online Auction Sponsor for this year's Miss Chinese (Vancouver) Pageant in support of Chi Heng Foundation.
D2D Funds Sheway's New Passenger Van
Today marked a special moment for the D2D team, the reveal of the van which we worked so hard to fundraise for. The $138,000 raised from our One Country One Film Festival helped Sheway purchase a new van and support the operation costs of the van for the coming years.
S.U.C.C.E.S.S Foundation: Gold Top Fundraising Award
Kudos to our Hong Kong team's support for making this possible. Through money collected in our clothing drive and personal donations the D2D Destiny Foundation raised $10,752 back in July. At S.U.C.C.E.S.S Foundation's Walk with the Dragon celebration dinner the D2D Destiny team was recognized for our efforts and won the Gold Top Fundraising Award for our contribution.
Funds Raised for VGH & UBC Hospital's Omnicell
Following our recent donation of $10,000 towards VGH & UBC Hospital's purchase of Omnicell automated dispensing machines, we even received the opportunity to tour the hospital’s Emergency Department!
Back in Vancouver to Walk with the Dragon
This summer, our Hong Kong Chapter team took some time off and traveled to Vancouver. Aside from visiting family and friends, we also made sure to support some local charities - one of which is the S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Foundation.
D2D Presents: The ONE Country ONE Film Festival
Over $138,000 was raised at our second ONE Country ONE Film Festival! Cici Fan and Desmond Lum from our High School Leadership Team successfully led this event in support of the Sheway Program.
Our Visit to Sheway & Gift Delivery
Our visit to Sheway was eye opening and touching. This visit marked the beginning of our partnership and our team learned how our funds raised from the 2017 One Country One Film will impact the Sheway community.
Volunteering and Fundraising for the Time to Shine Gala
The Time to Shine Gala raised over $2.8 million towards VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation’s "Future of Surgery" campaign. On top of volunteering for the gala, we also fundraised $10,000 through our e-Philanthropy Store and personal donations to support the campaign!
Volunteering and Fundraising for the For Children We Care Gala
The For Children We Care Gala raised a record-breaking total of over $2.5 million for BC Children's Hospital Foundation. We’re humbled to announce that we contributed an astonishing $30,000 through e-Philanthropy Store sales and personal donations!
2016D2D Presents
Recipient of the Young Leaders Medal of Merit
The Annual Young Leaders Medal of Merit is a prestigious award recognized to 3 finalists – one of which is our President, Arthur. Aside from receiving the prestigious award, $1,000 will also be donated to VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation under Arthur’s name!
Participating in S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Walk with the Dragon
We participated in the highly-anticipated Walk With the Dragon event organized by S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Aside from participating in the walk, we were also the Route Sponsors for this wonderful community event!
Hong Kong Chapter Supporting the 2017 For Children We Care Gala
Through our E-Store, our Hong Kong Chapter Founders helped fundraised $10,000 in support of the 2017 For Children We Care Gala. Natalie Chan and Patrick Wang started giving back to the community at a young age and are extremely active when they are back in Vancouver.
Meeting Mayor Malcolm Brodie
Not everyone can say that they've been in the office of the Mayor, but we're humbled to say that we have! Joined by Mayor Brodie, our members had a cheque presentation to Paralympian Stephanie Chan in support of her journey in the Rio Paralympics.